Here is the Skirt! (I feel as if there should be some momentous music cue....or perhaps an ominous one!)
I just made a simple tailored skirt. I originally intended to put some welt pockets on the front but chickened out as I did not have enough fabric to match the print on the welts. (When looking for an excuse, you will always find one. It may not be a very good one, but it will be an excuse nonetheless. heh) I was also worried that they would gap as I am not as experienced with that style pocket as I ought to be Of course, how one is supposed to get better if there is always a convenient excuse.....

In a funny side note, I carefully remembered to add the little bits in the side seams where my sloper said I need a bit more room, only to find that it was COMPLETELY wrong. Sigh! You see, since Ruth still had my sloper pattern I just used the "fashion" version of the pattern and it had the ease already added. sigh again. So Now I need to go through and trace off the seam line that I actually used on the skirt and draw it on the pattern so I can remember the adjustment.
I also put into practice the "lapped zipper" I learned how to do from our zipper month. Be proud of me, it is PERFECT.
Now on to bigger and better things? perhaps. heh k.